Volume 2, 1999
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Zubiri in the Third Millenium: Challenges and Opportunities
EditorialZubiri, Lakatos y la crisis gödeliana del fundamento matemático
Guillerma Díaz MuñozEl positivismo jurídico y el positivismo de Xavier Zubiri
Antonio Salamanca SerranoFilosofía, actualidad e inteligencia en Xavier Zubiri
Roberto Hernáez RubioMan, Experience of God: The problem of God in Xavier Zubiri
María Lucrecia RovalettiEl Urfaktum de la intelección sentiente según Xavier Zubiri: el noema es alter qua realitas
Martín Ruiz CalventeCausality and Power in the Philosophy of Xavier Zubiri
Thomas B. FowlerEl Espacio y las estructuras cognoscitivas humanas: Zubiri y Kant
Juan José Sánchez Álvarez-Castellanos
Entire contents © 1999 by the Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America.
Permission to republish in any form is hereby granted, provided that source is acknowledged. Electronic versions of the texts contained herein are available at the Foundation’s web site,
The Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America is incorporated as a non-profit, charitable educational organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt foundation by the Internal Revenue Service. The Foundation’s purpose is to promote the work of Xavier Zubiri and expand awareness of his philosophy, especially in the English-speaking world.
The Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America
1571 44th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007Phone 202-298-0495, Fax 202-338-9084
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