Books published during Zubiri’s lifetime:
Naturaleza, Historia, Dios. (1942). Collection of essays written up to that time. Represents Zubiri’s early thought and points to his mature work. Many of the essays are remarkably perceptive and still up-to-date.
Sobre la esencia. (1962). First major systematic work by Zubiri. Examines concept of essence in light of entire history of philosophy and developments in modern science.
Cinco lecciones de filosofía. (1963). Five profound and intriguing lectures on major philosophical figures. Zubiri was ever the diligent student of the history of philosophy, and his work is always in dialogue with it.
Inteligencia sentiente. Volume.1: Inteligencia y realidad. (1980). First volume of three part study of intelligence, reality, and metaphysics in the broadest sense, in particular, how our knowledge—modest though it may be—undergirds our knowledge of reality. This, together with the subsequent two volumes, is undoubtedly Zubiri’s most important work, and the one in light of which all of his other works must be understood.
Inteligencia sentiente. Volume 2: Inteligencia y logos (1982).
Inteligencia sentiente. Volume 3: Inteligencia y razón (1983).
El hombre y Dios (1983). The book Zubiri was editing at his death. Covers Zubiri’s notion of God and man’s knowledge of Him. First of projected three volumes on theological topics.
Sobre el hombre (1986). Study of the nature of man.
Estructura dinámica de la realidad (1989). Zubiri’s analysis of nature and reality: change, causality, essence, and related topics.
Sobre el sentimiento y la volición (1992). Explores this aspect of man’s nature.
El problema filosófico de la historia de las religiones (1993). Second of three volumes on theological topics. Explores religious thought from historical and philosophical perspective.
Los problemas fundamentales de la metafísica occidental (1994). Thematic exposition of the fundamental metaphysical problems in the Western tradition, with Zubiri’s comments and explanation of them.
El espacio, el tiempo, la materia (1996). Zubiri’s reflection on the problems posed throught the history of philosophy and science by these three important notions.
El problema teologal del hombre: Cristianismo (1997). Third volume of Zubiri's trilogy on theological topics. Contains Zubiri's reflections on the theologal, creation, the Incarnation, access to God in Christ, the Church, and the evolution of dogma.
El hombre y la verdad (1999), edited by Juan A. Nicolás. Detailed discussion of Zubiri’s theory of the levels of truth, from the deepest where error is impossible, to the highest where confirmation is most difficult. Note that Zubiri’s reflections in this book (1966) a slightly earlier than his most mature thought on the subject, in Inteligencia sentiente.
The following books are in preparation by the indicated editors; no date has yet been set for their publication:
Sobre la realidad, edited by Diego Gracia
Estructura de la Metafísica, edited by Antonio González
El hombre: lo real y lo irreal, edited by Jesús Conill
El sistema de lo real en la filosofía moderna, edited by Pintor-Ramos
El Mundo, edited by Antonio Ferraz
1923. Ensayo de una teoría fenomenológica del juicio (Essay Concerning a Phenomenological Theory of Judgement). Doctoral thesis presented in 1921 under the guidance of Ortega y Gasset at the University of Madrid.
1933. "Hegel y el problema metafísica" ("Hegel and the Metaphysical Problem"). Included later in Nature, History, God.
1934. "La idea de naturaleza: la nueva física" ("The Idea of Nature: The New Physics"). Included later in Nature, History, God.
1935. "¿Qué es saber?" ("What is Knowledge"). Included later in Nature, History, God.
1936. "En torno al problema de Dios" ("In Regard to the Problem of God"). Included later in Nature, History, God.
1940. "El saber filosófico y su historia" ("Philosophical Knowledge and Its History"). From the prologue to Historia de la Filosofía by Julián Marías. Included later in Nature, History, God.
1940. "Sócrates y la sabiduría griega" ("Socrates and the Greek Idea of Wisdom"). Included later in Nature, History, God.
1941. "Ciencia y realidad" ("Science and Reality"). Included later in Nature, History, God.
1942. "Nuestra situación intelectual" ("Our Intellectual Situation"). Included in Nature, History, God.
1942. "El acontecer humano: Grecia y la pervivencia del pasado filosófico" ("The Phenomenon of Humanity: Greece and the Living On of the Philosophical Past"). Included in Nature, History, God.
1942. Naturaleza, Historia, Dios (Nature, History, God) [English tr. by T. Fowler, University Press of America, 1981, which includes a new prologue by Zubiri for this translation].
1962. Sobre la esencia. Translated as On Essence by A. Robert Caponigri, Catholic University of America Press, 1980.
1962 "El origen del hombre", Revista de Occidente, Ano. II. No. 17 (August, 1964), p. 146-173. Translated as "The Origin of Man" by A. R. Caponigri in Contemporary Spanish Philosophy (1967).
1963. Cinco lecciones de filosofía (Five Philosophy Lectures).
1966. "Notas sobre la inteligencia humana", ASCLEPIO, Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina y Antropología Médica, Vol. XVIII-XIX, p. 341-353.
1973. "La dimensión histórica del ser humano" ("Historical Dimension of the Human Being"), in Realitas I, Xavier Zubiri Seminary: Papers of 1972-1973.
1974. "El hombre y su cuerpo", SALESIANUM, Anno XXVI, N. 3, pp. 479-486.
1974. "El espacio" (Space), in Realitas I, Xavier Zubiri Seminar: Papers of 1972-1973.
1975. "El problema teologal del hombre", Teología y mundo contemporaneo. Homenaje a K. Rahner.
1976. "El concepto descriptivo del tiempo" (The Descriptive Concept of Time), in Realitas II, Xavier Zubiri Seminary: Papers of 1974-1975 [English tr. by Joaquín Redondo in preparation; Spanish text later included in Espacio, Tiempo, Materia].
1979. "Respectividad de lo real" (Respectivity of the Real), in Realitas III-IV, Xavier Zubiri Seminary: Papers of 1976-1978.
1980 Inteligencia sentiente-Inteligencia y realidad. Translated as Sentient Intelligence -- Intelligence and Reality by T. Fowler.
1982. "Reflexiones teológicas sobre la Eucaristía", Estudios Eclesiasticos 56, 1981; ("Theological Reflections on the Eucharist") ["Ecclesiastical Studies" 56, 1981].
1982. "¿Qué es investigar?", Ya, 19 October 1982.
1982. Inteligencia y logos . Translated as Intelligence and Logos by T. Fowler.
1983. Inteligencia y razón . Translated as Intelligence and Reason by T. Fowler.
1984. El hombre y Dios (Man and God) [English tr. by Joaquín Redondo in preparation].
1986 Sobre el hombre (On Man).
1989. Estructura dinámica de la realidad (The Dynamic Structure of Reality).
1992. Sobre el sentimiento y la volición (On Sentiment and Volition).
1993. El problema filosófico de la historia de las religiones (The Philosophical Problem of the History of Religions) [English tr. by Joaquín Redondo in preparation].
1994. Los problemas fundamentales de la metafísica occidental (The Fundamental Problems of Western Metaphysics).
1996. El espacio, el tiempo, la materia (Space, Time, Matter).
1997. Cristianismo (Christianity)
Partial list of the yearly Cursos (Seminars), with their dates and titles:
1946-1947. Tres definiciones clásicas del hombre (Three classical definitions of man).
1947-1948. ¿Qué son las ideas? (What are ideas?).
1948-1949. El problema de Dios (The problem of God).
1950-1951. Cuerpo y alma (Body and soul).
1951-1952. La libertad (Freedom).
1952-1953. Filosofía primera (First philosophy).
1953-1954. El problema del hombre (The problem of man).
1959. Sobre la persona (On person).
1960. Acerca del mundo (About the world).
1961. Sobre la voluntad (On will).
1962. (No course offered)
1963. Cinco lecciones de filosofía (Five philosophy lessons).
1964. El problema del mal (The problem of evil).
1965. El problema filosófico de la historia de las religiones (The philosophical problem of the history of religions), and El problema de Dios en la historia de las religiones (The problem of God in the history of religions).
1966. El hombre y la verdad (Man and truth), and Sobre la realidad (On reality).
1967. El hombre: lo real y lo irreal (Man: the real and the unreal), and Reflexiones filosóficas sobre algunos problemas de Teología (Philosophical reflections about some theological problems).
1968. El hombre y el problema de Dios (Man and the problem of God), and Estructura dinámica de la realidad (Dynamic structure of reality).
1969. Estructura de la metafísica (The structure of metaphysics), and Problemas fundamentales de la metafísica occidental (Fundamental problems of western philosophy).
1970. Sobre el tiempo (On time), and Sistema de lo real en la filosofía moderna (System of the real in modern philosophy).
1971-1972. El problema teologal del hombre: Dios, religión, cristianismo (The theological problem of man: God, religion, Christianity).
1973. El espacio (Space), and El hombre y Dios ( Man and God) [Given at the Gregorian University in Rome].
1974. Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social e histórica (Three dimensions of the human being: individual, social and historical).
1975. Reflexiones filosóficas sobre lo estético (Philosophical reflections about esthetics).
1976. La inteligencia humana (Human intelligence).
Published Translations of Zubiri’s Work:
Naturaleza, Historia, Dios, originally published in 1942 and continuously reprinted since then, was translated by Thomas B. Fowler as Nature, History, God and published in 1982 by University Press of America. It went through two printings but is now out of print, though copies can still be obtained from the Foundation for $22.95 postpaid. This book is a collection of essays from the period 1930-1944, and represents Zubiri’s early thinking, much of it quite profound. The Zubiri Foundation would like to reprint it, after some editing.
Sobre la esencia, originally published in 1962, and translated as On Essence by Robert Caponigri, was published in 1983 by Catholic University Press. This translation is also out of print and unavailable at the present time. The Zubiri Foundation also hopes to reprint this book if funds become available and the copyright can be secured.
Inteligencia sentiente, published 1980-83 has been translated as Sentient Intelligence. It was originally published in three volumes: Inteligencia y realidad (1980), Inteligencia y logos (1982), and Inteligencia y razón (1983). Thomas Fowler undertook the translation of this book at Zubiri’s request, and has completed the translation of all three volumes. They were published in one volume by the Foundation in 1999. This is the last book Zubiri completed before his death in September of 1983. Volume 1: Intelligence and Reality. Volume 2: Intelligence and Logos. Volume 3: Intelligence and Reality.
El hombre y Dios (1984) has been translated by Mr. Joaquin Redondo and is now in the process of being revised. It will be entitled Man and God in English. This is the first of a projected set of three volumes on theological topics. Zubiri died while in the process of preparing this work for publication. It is based on lectures he gave over the course of a number of years. This translation will also be published by the Foundation when it is ready and funds become available.
El problema filosofico de la historia de las religiones (1993), the second volume of the trilogy, is also being translated by Mr. Redondo.
Books referencing Zubiri in English:
The Metaphysics of Love, by Frederick Wilhelmson. Published in the 1960s and now out of print, it discusses contemporary Spanish philosophers.
Contemporary Spanish Philosophy, ed. A. R. Caponigri, Notre Dame Press (1967). Contains an essay by Zubiri on Evolution [available here as "The Origin of Man"].
La aventura de curar: La antropologia medica de Pedro Lain Entralgo, by Nelson Orringer of the University of Connecticut, Galaxia Gutembergo/Circulo de Lectores, Barcelona (1997). Though not in English, this book is by an American scholar, whose work will be of interest in this section. It is the first book published on the philosophy of medicine of Pedro Lain Entralgo; the author makes considerable use of Zubiri in the process of analyzing Lain Entralgo's work.
Articles about Zubiri’s philosophy in English:
Please refer to the page on this site with an up-to-date list of these articles.
Zubiri Reading Guide (Flow Chart)